How to Improve Yourself

Entah ini udah hari ke berapa gue mendalami tentang pertanyaan:

I don’t know have been many days I try to find the answer of these questions:

-          Gue siapa?
-          Mau jadi apa?
-          Tujuannya apa?
-          Gimana cara mencapainya?

-          Who I am?
-          What I wanna be?
-          What is my decision?
-          How can I reach it?

Mulai dari mendalami karakter DISC (Dominant, Influence, Steadiness, Convenient), golongan darah, sampe hasil tes psikologi online yang menunjukkan minat dan bakat. Dan seperti biasa, gue tau hasilnya akan sejenis, tapi gue gatau gimana cara maksimalinnya. Hmm jangankan maksimalin deh, untuk merealisasikan hal-hal yang sebenernya gue suka aja kadang bingung. Mungkin karena terlalu banyak ketakutan, keraguan, atau sejenisnya. 

Start from trying to understand about DISC (Dominant, Influence, Steadiness, Convenient) character, blood type, till I tried to do some online psychology test on internet to find what is my interest and skill? And as usual, I’ve known the result but I don’t know the way how to maximize it. Well, even try to show it, I never can do that. I’m always getting confused why I can do something that I love so much. I thought, may be too many frightens, doubts, and some things like that.

Fyi guys, kalo di karakter di DISC ini gue digolongkan sebagai orang yang berkarakter IS (influence dan Steadiness). Influence? Apa iya gue bisa ngasih pengaruh buat orang-orang? Secara yang selama ini gue rasa ya kalo gue ngomong ya Cuma jadi angin lalu doang buat orang-orang. Dan ternyata dari blog yang gue baca, emang orang yang kepribadian IS ini harus membatasi bicaranya. Dan gue paling ga bisa banget jaga omongan, ampun dah -_- gue harus lebih banyak mendengar daripada bicara. Ini yang berat.

Fyi guys, in DISC character, I’m categorized as IS character which is the one who has Influence and Steadiness character. Influence? Am I that one? I never thought that something in me can give influence to others. Because something that I feel is “when I told something, it would be nothing for others”. In fact, some people who has IS character should be listen more and limit their talks. And unfortunately, I’m the one who never can keep my talks, damn -_- Okay, I should listen more than talks. This is heavy duty. 


Ya, harusnya gue jadi pendengar yang baik. Tapi selama hidup, gue tidak dilatih untuk menjadi pendengar yang baik. Kalo dari quotes yang gue baca tuh ya “They don’t listen to understand but They listen to reply”. Kerjaannya ngelawan, protes, dan teman-temannya. Mungkin orang kalo ngomong sama gue bakal cape karena ngejawab terus. Sampe nyokap bokap juga sering marah karena gue ngejawab mulu kalo dibilangin. Salah? Ya, ini salah.

Yeah, I should be a good listener. Nevertheless, in my whole life, I never be trained to be a good listener. A quote that I ever read said that “They don’t listen to understand but They listen to reply”. I always against, protest, and do such annoy things like that. May be people will getting tired when they tried to give me advise. ‘Til my parents are often getting angry to me because I always have an answer for them. Wrong? Yes, this is wrong.

Itu buat kepribadian yang Influence, dan yang kedua itu S alias steadiness. Artinya apa? Kalo dalam bahasa inggris, steadiness artinya keteguhan hati, ketetapan, kestabilan. Dan gue tidak merasa sebagai orang yang stabil, mungkin karena masih muda, dan buat keteguhan hati dan ketetapan, gatau juga deh.

It’s all about Influence character, and the second one is S a.k.a Steadiness. What’s that mean? In English, Steadiness mean stabile, fix, strength of principle. And I never felt that I’m the one who has stabile character, maybe that’s because of young age, and for fix, and strengthen principle, I don’t know. 

And through this blog maybe one of the way that I can try to find myself.


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