Belajar Bahasa Inggris? Kenapa Ngga? - There's no too old to learn

A little concern for what we have to do as a youth of Indonesia. Actually, I wanna tell a ‘lil bit about me, because I’m the 21st y.o. girl who has graduated from her campus last month. Aside of myself told me that “calm down Dian, take a little rest” because I’ve full by business in doing my TA. Nevertheless, aside of myself also said to me that “you still have brilliant mind, you’re young enough to create something, to be creative”.

I’m from Indonesia, I’ve learnt to speak English since I’m in 3rd grade in elementary school. But for me, I still can use active English in fluently. Then now I decide to make a habit for myself to write in my blog in full of English. Why? Okay, this is one of reason.

Yesterday, I met my senior and she said to me “kesel gue sama temen-temen gue, masa pada ga bisa bahasa inggris, kan malu”. Yes. I’m a kind of person that will be motivated enough when heard about “MALU”. Something that I realise from my environment is everyone can speak English. It’s depend on how much they’re sure that they can. In my campus, every Friday lunch we have to speak in English. But there are many people who still speak in Indonesia and said “apaan sih pake Bahasa inggris segala”. Buset. They said it like they’re expert L that’s okay to said it please while they are good enough to speak English. But they’re actually not.
Then guys, I’m sure that we’ve learnt English in loooong time. And now is globalisation era, it’s time to make what we have can give benefit, actually for ourselves.

Nb: Thanks to Wirda Mansur and many videos about try to can speak English fluently and having high self-confident. 


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