January, 8th 2018

How do you feel when you work in something that you never really know about it?

Yes, I’m working in space about hardware. While I’ve studied about quality management, strategic management, and all of the things about management. Then maybe it’s time for me to start learning about hardware. Though I’m here just for a while, but I want studied about something that can be produced here. Now I’m taking a book titled “First Aid in Hacking Incident” Hahaha. I never want to study about this, but this book is the most humanize book that I can read in this room.

I want to be someone that can give much benefits for others, but I thought that I’ve trapped in my mindset that lazy is more enjoying than hard work. “There’s no growth in comfort zone, and there’s no comfort in growth zone” that’s the quotes that I ever heard about hard work. People can easy to improve themselves while they know what they really want or we can say it as “Passion”. How many years I concern about this word, Passion. Then more I seek about my passion, it’s just making me stuck and surrender to do everything that happened into my life now.

Hm, is that important??


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